Lost tempo

BY Cliff odle

October 5 - October 22, 2017

Directed by Diego Arciniegas

  • Sheila "She-She" Jones: Miranda Adekoje*

    John "Sporty" Dale: Arthur Gomez

    Barbara "Babs" Rosenbaum: Evelyn Howe*

    Langford "Mack" Williams: Mishell Lilly

    Mort Hershel: Charles Linshaw*

    Willie "Cool" Jones: Omar Robinson*

    Lane McDaniel: Kinson Theodoris

    *Appearing through an Agreement between Boston Playwrights’ Theatre and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.

  • Director: Diego Arciniegas

    Scenic Designer: Jeffrey Petersen

    Lighting Designer: Evey Connerty- Marin

    Sound Designer: J Jumbelic

    Costume Designer: Rachel Padula- Shufelt

    Stage Manager: Brittney Page*

    *Appearing through an Agreement between Boston Playwrights’ Theatre and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.

  • Click here for the full Lost Tempo program

Photos by Kalman Zabarsky. All names are listed from left to right unless noted otherwise.

Elemeno pea

By Molly Smith metzler

November 2- November 19, 2017

Directed by Shana Gozansky

  • Simone: Lydia Barnett- Mulligan*

    Michaela: Samantha Richert*

    Devon: Amanda Collins*

    Jos-B: Jaime Carrillo*

    Ethan: Barlow Adamson*

    *Appearing through an Agreement between Boston Playwrights’ Theatre and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.

  • Director: Shana Gozansky

    Scenic Designer: Jeffrey Petersen

    Lighting and Sound Designer: David Wilson**

    Costume Designer: Rachel Padula- Shufelt

    Stage Manager: Katherine Humbert*

    *Appearing through an Agreement between Boston Playwrights’ Theatre and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.

    **Member, United Scenic Artists Local USA 829

  • Click here for the full Elemeno Pea program

Photos by Kalman Zabarsky. All names are listed from left to right unless noted otherwise.


By Walt mcgough

March 1- March 18, 2018

Directed by M. Bevin O’Gara

  • Moose: Greg Maraio*

    Jerry: Marc Pierre*

    Odie: Anthony Goes*

    Trisha: Gigi Watson

    Game Commentator: Ed Hoopman*

    *Appearing through an Agreement between Boston Playwrights’ Theatre and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.

  • Director: M. Bevin O'Gara***

    Scenic Designer: Cristina Todesco**

    Lighting Designer: Evey Connerty- Marin

    Sound Designer: Andrew Duncan Will

    Costume Designer: Penney Pinette

    Stage Manager: Katherine Humbert*

    *Appearing through an Agreement between Boston Playwrights’ Theatre and Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.

    **Member, United Scenic Artists Local USA 829

    ***Member, Stage Directors and Choreographers Society

  • Click here for the full Brawler program

Photos by Kalman Zabarsky. All names are listed from left to right unless noted otherwise.

The Rosenbergs (an opera)

By music by joachim holbek and libretto by rhea leman

April 12-22, 2018

Directed by Dmitry Troyanovsky and Cristi Catt

  • Julius: Brian Church

    Ethel: Christie Lee Gibson

    Piano: Nathan Urdangen

    Cello: Miriam Eckelhoefer

    Violin: Abigale Reisman

    Substitute Pianist: Daniel Padgett

  • Director: Dmitry Troyanovsky

    Musical Director: Cristi Catt

    Scenic Designer: Cameron Anderson**

    Lighting Designer: Christopher Ostrom**

    Costume Designer: Rachel Padula Shufelt

    Choreographer: Susan Dibble

    Stage Manager: Sarah Schneider

    **Member, United Scenic Artists Local USA 829

  • Click here for the full The Rosenbergs (An Opera) program

Photos by Kalman Zabarsky. All names are listed from left to right unless noted otherwise.