Our 2024-25 Season

Our dynamic season of new plays features four productions presented in two repertory festivals: a Fall Rep and a Spring Rep. Full details are below. To purchase tickets, click here!



November 7 - 24 on the Snodgrass Stage

Directed by Taylor Stark

The fall of capitalism is about to get very messy.

  • A throne of red Solo cups, a pile of teeth, the ghost of Pete Seeger, and a little something for dinner. It’s a parallel present, and it’s illegal to be a billionaire. Jeffrey Bezos has agreed to give an interview in exchange for information on the federal case against him. But there’s something off about journalist Cherry Beaumont, a crowd is forming outside, and the onstage Fact Checker has a few important clarifications to make. The fall of capitalism is about to get very messy.

  • Cherry Beaumont: Becca A. Lewis

    Jeffrey Bezos: Mark W. Soucy

    Fact Checker: Robbie Rodriguez

  • Director: Taylor Stark

    Scenic Designer: Maggie Shivers

    Lighting Designer: Zachary Connell

    Sound Designer: Anna Drummond

    Costume Designer: Chloe Moore

    Production Stage Manager: Jess Brennan

    Intimacy and Violence Choreographer: Jess Scout Malone

    Special Effects: Lynn Wilcott

  • Tickets for How to Not Save the World with Mr. Bezos and Soft Star:

    Fall Rep Pass (both plays)—$50

    Single tickets: Adults—$40

    BU Faculty/Staff, Veterans, and Seniors (62+)—$25

    Students with valid ID—$10

    Boston University Student rush—$0 (Box Office, day-of-performance only).

    Pay-What-You-Want Previews for How to Not Save the World with Mr. Bezos on Thursday, November 7 (7 pm) and Friday, November 8 (8 pm)

  • Fall Rep Festival Opening Reception—Saturday, Nov. 16, following the 8 p.m. performance of Soft Star)

  • Content transparency: graphic violence, vomit and blood effects, as well as disrobement and discussion of drug use. For further details, which will include plot information and spoilers, click here.

soft star

BY tina esper

November 14 - 22 on the Snodgrass Stage

Directed by Bridget Kathleen O’Leary

What happens when the only plan you’ve ever made begins to unravel?

  • Jane and Belle are best friends. Their husbands are best friends. Someday, their children will be best friends. And of course, they don’t have any secrets from each other. What could possibly go wrong? A play about what happens when the only plan you’ve ever made starts to unravel.

  • Jane: Annika Bolton

    Belle: Mairéad O'Neill

    Dick: Jesse Kodama

    Mitch: Kamran Bina

  • Director: Bridget Kathleen O'Leary

    Scenic Designer: Maggie Shivers

    Lighting Designer: Zachary Connell

    Sound Designer: Kai Bolman

    Costume Designer: E. Rosser

    Production Stage Manager: Pat-rice Rooney

    Intimacy & Violence Choreographer: Jess Scout Malone

  • Tickets for How to Not Save the World with Mr. Bezos and Soft Star:

    Fall Rep Pass (both plays)—$50

    Single tickets: Adults—$40

    BU Faculty/Staff, Veterans, and Seniors (62+)—$25

    Students with valid ID—$10

    Boston University Student rush—$0 (Box Office, day-of-performance only).

    Pay-What-You-Want Previews for Soft Star on Thursday, November 14 (7 pm) and Friday, November 15 (8 pm)

  • Fall Rep Festival Opening Reception—Saturday, Nov. 16, following the 8 p.m. performance of Soft Star)

    Post-Show Conversation: “Fallen Birds, Lost Babies, and the Complexities of Female Friendship” with Carrie J. Preston (Professor of English and Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies;  Associate Director, Center on Forced Displacement),  Jena DiMaggio (PhD student in English), and Kelsey Quinn (PhD student in English)—Sunday, Nov. 17, 3:30 p.m. (following the 2 p.m. performance of Soft Star)

  • Content transparency: miscarriages, sexual assault, violence, and blood effects. For further details, which will include plot information and spoilers, click here.

THE fig tree, and the phoenix, and the desire to be reborn

by isabelle fereshteh sanatdar stevens

March 1-9 on the Snodgrass Stage

Directed by Nikta Sabouri

“I like being alive with you…”

  • Figs fall from the Tree. Whispers of a Revolution crowd the shadows. Southwest of Mashhad, ten-year-olds Mandana and Javeed hurtle towards each other for the very first time – except somehow it doesn’t feel like the first time. There's no explaining it, and not much time to think about it, as the world begins to crumble around them. A play about old worlds, this world, and how we make new worlds.

  • To be announced!

  • Director: Nikta Sabouri

    Scenic Designer: Cleo Brooks

    Lighting Designer: Grant Powicki

    Sound Designer: Arshan Gailus

    Costume Designer: TBA

    Production Stage Manager: Jenna Worden

  • Tickets for A Fig Tree, and a Phoenix, and a Desire to be Reborn and The Recursion of a Moth:

    Fall Rep Pass (both plays)—$50

    Single tickets: Adults—$40

    BU Faculty/Staff, Veterans, and Seniors (62+)—$25

    Students with valid ID—$10

    Boston University Student rush—$0 (Box Office, day-of-performance only).

    Pay-What-You-Want Previews for A Fig Tree, and a Phoenix, and a Desire to be Reborn on Thursday, February 20 (7 pm) and Friday, February 21 (8 pm)

  • To be announced!

the recursion of a moth

by brandon zang

February 22 - March 9 on the Snodgrass Stage

Directed by Katie Brook

Time is a rubber band -- you can only stretch it so far before it snaps.

  • Icarus and Mikey time travel. Icarus and Mikey fall out of love. Icarus and Mikey meet each other for the first time in a college bar. Somewhere else, sometime else, Chrys buys a yellow house. The rules are: you can travel to any timeline as long as you don’t change anything. But of course, there’s always someone who thinks the rules don’t apply to them.

  • To be announced!

  • Director: Katie Brook

    Scenic Designer: Cleo Brooks

    Lighting Designer: Grant Powicki

    Sound Designer: TBA

    Costume Designer: Taylor Needlman

    Production Stage Manager: Fanni Horvath

  • Tickets for A Fig Tree, and a Phoenix, and a Desire to be Reborn and The Recursion of a Moth:

    Fall Rep Pass (both plays)—$50

    Single tickets: Adults—$40

    BU Faculty/Staff, Veterans, and Seniors (62+)—$25

    Students with valid ID—$10

    Boston University Student rush—$0 (Box Office, day-of-performance only).

    Pay-What-You-Want Previews for The Recursion of a Moth on Thursday, February 27 (7 pm) and Friday, February 28 (8 pm)

  • To be announced!